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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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216 results found

  1. Categories for

    I would like for there to be categories on our page. I run a hybrid both in person and online business and if I put all my offerings on the page, it looks very disorganized.

    I would like there to be an option where we can label categories for people to click directly to and it will separate the types of services and products offered.

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  2. Experience ChatGPT Online for Free at GPTonline.AI

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced tremendously in recent years. One of the most exciting AI innovations is ChatGPT, a conversational AI system developed by OpenAI. In this post, I'll be talking about - a website that allows you to access ChatGPT online completely for free.

    What is ChatGPT?
    ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an AI system that you can have natural language conversations with. It has been trained on huge volumes of data to allow it to understand conversations, answer follow-up questions, admit mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT showcases how advanced AI has become…

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  3. Benefits and harms of trampolines

    Trampoline, an exciting form of exercise, is not only popular in entertainment, but also a comprehensive way to exercise. By doing various movements on an elastic trampoline, we can exercise muscles, enhance cardiopulmonary function, and improve balance and coordination.

    Trampoline exercise is a whole-body exercise that can effectively exercise muscles in all parts of the body. When bouncing on a trampoline, the leg muscles are first to be exercised, including the thighs, calves, and buttocks. As the bouncing action continues, the upper body muscles will gradually become involved, including the abdominal, back, and arm muscles. This whole-body exercise allows muscles…

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  4. Expansion of Repeat Options for Calendar

    It would be great to expand the “repeat options” section for workouts and cardio etc. for example it would be great to set up a workout to occur on the calendar every 4 days or 6 days instead of only on specific days of the week or weekly.

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  5. Poznaj bota ChatGPT w polskiej wersji na

    Rewolucyjny chatbot w polskiej odsłonie

    ChatGPT to jedno z najbardziej zaawansowanych narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji obecnych na rynku. Stworzony został przez firmę OpenAI w celu prowadzenia konwersacji na poziomie zbliżonym do ludzkiego. Niestety dotychczas ChatGPT działał głównie w języku angielskim, przez co nie był tak użyteczny dla wielu osób na świecie.

    Sytuację tę zmienia jednak strona, która jako pierwsza udostępnia polską wersję językową tego chatbota. Dzięki temu każdy użytkownik z Polski może w pełni wykorzystać możliwości konwersacyjne ChatGPT, prowadząc z nim płynny dialog w ojczystym języku.

    Angażująca rozmowa na dowolny temat

    Chatbot ChatGPT w polskiej wersji językowej potrafi dyskutować…

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  6. Gym looks dirty and some machine are in bad shape.

    The gym is dusty, machine are dirty the gym need a mayor maintenance intervention. I have some pics.

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  7. ChatGPT Nederlands op - Introductie tot de Nederlandse chatbot

    De hype rondom chatbots en AI lijkt niet te stoppen. ChatGPT is hiervan het bekendste voorbeeld. Maar wist je dat er ook een Nederlandse variant bestaat? Laten we kennismaken met ChatGPT Nederlands!

    Wat is ChatGPT Nederlands precies?
    ChatGPT Nederlands is een revolutionaire chatbot gebaseerd op de nieuwste AI-technologie van OpenAI. Het grote verschil met de originele ChatGPT is dat deze versie specifiek getraind is op het begrijpen en voeren van gesprekken in het Nederlands.

    Of je nu een vraag hebt over het nieuws, op zoek bent naar advies, of zomaar een interessant gesprek wil voeren; ChatGPT Nederlands kan het allemaal…

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  8. Las Mejores Páginas para Colorear de Pokémon en Gbcolorear

    La creatividad es un componente vital en el desarrollo de los niños, y una forma excelente de fomentarla es a través del arte. Colorear es una actividad que no solo entretiene a los pequeños, sino que también mejora sus habilidades motoras y les permite expresar su imaginación. En este sentido, Gbcolorear se ha destacado como una plataforma líder que ofrece una amplia variedad de páginas para colorear de Pokémon, cautivando la atención de los niños y despertando su amor por el arte.

    Ver más páginas para colorear de Pokémon gratis en

    1. Variedad de Pokémon para Todos los Gustos


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  9. New app ui/ux

    The app needs a redesign with a more modern ui/ux that is much nicer to use and doesn't look so old, I'm a programmer and I understand that this task is monumental, but sooner or later it has to be done, in 5 years the app won't it should look the same as it does now, you should constantly improve your design and user experience, what I recommend is to hire a team of very talented ui/ux designers to carry out this task, together with frontend developers trained to execute the new redesign of the app, I am sure that…

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  10. Option to hide "other trainers" at top of profile

    have the "find other trainers" on the Profile Page have the ability to be "hidden". I see it as a chance for your leads to find other trainers, more experienced ones. Why would I want this, its a chance to loose your leads. I think having the option to hide it would make trainers put more content on the profile

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  11. Have option to change language

    Give customers the option to see app in spanish

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  12. ChatGPT Nederlands: De Kracht van Intelligente Conversaties

    ChatGPT Nederlands heeft een revolutie teweeggebracht in de manier waarop we digitaal communiceren. Ontwikkeld door OpenAI, biedt dit geavanceerde taalmodel een unieke ervaring voor gebruikers die op zoek zijn naar intelligente, Nederlandstalige gesprekken. Laten we duiken in de kenmerken en de impact van ChatGPT Nederlands op onze online interacties.
    Bezoek onze website om te zien hoe het jou kan assisteren en verrijk je ervaring:
    Een Taalmodel voor iedereen
    ChatGPT Nederlands is ontworpen met toegankelijkheid in gedachten. Of je nu een native Nederlands sprekende gebruiker bent of gewoon de taal wilt leren, dit taalmodel biedt een rijke bron voor interactie.…

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  13. Exploration du Monde du Chat GPT Gratuit ?

    L'univers du Chat GPT Gratuit s'ouvre comme une porte vers une nouvelle ère de communication et d'interaction. Cette technologie, issue des avancées spectaculaires de l'intelligence artificielle, promet une expérience conversationnelle sans précédent, et ce, sans coût associé.
    Visitez notre page d'accueil CHATGPT pour en savoir plus :

    Un Aperçu du Chat GPT Gratuit
    Le Chat GPT, ou Generative Pre-trained Transformer, incarne l'apogée de la création automatisée de texte. Ces systèmes, pré-entraînés sur d'immenses ensembles de données textuelles, se distinguent par leur capacité à comprendre et générer du texte dans des contextes variés. Lorsqu'ils deviennent accessibles gratuitement, ces outils deviennent une…

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  14. Tracking sessions used

    It would be nice to be able to have a report that shows when sessions were used.

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  15. App schedules in sessions and tasks when a new program is created

    App continues to schedule in sessions, body stats, activities etc when i create a new program for a client. Absolutely frustrating as I then have to spend time deleting it all

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  16. Add a store section within the client application

    For me to sell additional services, and for clients to purchase them; currently this cannot be done within the application. Clients need to exit the Fitness app to visit This is really disappointing. Please, make it so there is a store/shop section within the Fitness app.

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  17. I’d love to see a place where we could put daily affirmations or motivational quotes the site or app.

    Basically a place where I can put Daily motivational quotes or affirmations. Maybe a feature to push out through morning text or email.

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  18. Get Insights on Your Instagram Account with Reportly MOD APK

    Instagram is undoubtedly one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It has helped countless individuals and businesses connect with new people and markets. However, one of its biggest drawbacks is the absence of a feature that allows users to track their followers' activities and track any changes in their engagement levels. That's where Reportly MOD APK comes in - a valuable tracking app for Instagram users who want to gain deep insights into their account's performance.

    Reportly MOD APK is a free Instagram analysis app that offers users a more in-depth understanding of their account…

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  19. “Hold” any further changes.

    Please place a hold on any further “updates” “features” “add ons” “layouts” and leave the app for at least 6 months of any changes. Too many bugs, glitches, poor customer experiences, non practical steps and access for trainers over the past several months. We need a breather and a smooth run for both sides for a while.

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  20. Fix the Voice texting feature!

    Fix the voice texting feature in the app so that it doesn’t disappear when you want to edit it after you speak the text

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