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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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179 results found

  1. need more food info

    need to make nutrition labels viewable to the coach so we can see what the client sees for nutritional values, and may want to check labels on some of the foods that are there now for accuracy. Example Mahatma Rice has the wrong carb amount in the app compared to what is on the package. App says 3/4 cup is 36 carbs and package says 1/4 cup is 36 carbs, but neither state if this is dry or cooked amounts and this is very important when setting macros for a client's weight loss thanks.

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  2. Additional meals or missed meals tick box

    Ability for client to add in a food (or even a meal they missed) and to tick a box (either add to daily total or substract) so that the meal they enter is either subtracted or added to the nutrition goal set. This way if they are following a meal plan where macros are calculated … we can see if the meal they have had is on top of or missed. It might save them entering everything on the meal plan to track daily compliance

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  3. The Breakdown of Protein, Fats, and Carbs

    I would like to see the complete breakdown of Protein, Fats, and Carbs. Basically, I would like to be able to click into the Macro wheel for example (Carbs) and be able to see what exactly the Client is eating that may be putting them over on Carbs, Proteins, or Fats.

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  4. Option to disable full meal tracking

    Most of my clients just do fitness programs with me, but I do have nutrition clients and one of the "extras" they get is full meal tracking. I'd like to be able to turn off full meal tracking for my non-nutrition clients.

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  5. Allow Coach to add meals and foods in the meal tracker from the web version

    When helping a client out to meet their macro targets, I use the meal tracker from my phone and add foods in for them. I want to be able to create a meal as a trainer and use the meal tracker from my laptop to help with logging in foods. It can be easier when already working on the computer to quickly log in and help the client out faster without needing to use my phone.

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  6. Allow Clients to Create Custom Recipies

    Clients should be able to track their custom recipes with multiple ingredients instead of having to repeatedly log the ingredients separately. My clients are frustrated that when making meals at home they have to waste time inputting this information in. It makes it challenging for clients to calculate servings for meals made for the family.

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  7. The app should remember what meals the client input in the past so they can pull it up and enter it quickly and easily.

    Every meal tracking app remembers what items clients have entered in the past. This app should have the same functionality so clients can just pull up their recent items and choose items they eat regularly instead of manually inputting every item every time.

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  8. Analyzing data more efficiently

    Easier way to analyze nutrition information more efficiently (micro and macronutrients) on one page.

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  9. Have the option to turn off the calories/protein/or full macro when assigning the client track meal details option.

    I’d like this option when the client doesn’t want to track yet or when a client is just food journaling.

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  10. Client self-added recipes (with multiple servings)

    The ability for clients to add a recipe with multiple servings seems really critical (like you can do in My Fitness Pal, Lose it, most other meal tracking apps).

    I see they can save meals that they track to easily add them later, but it would be great if they could add a full recipe and set the number of servings it makes. That way they can just track "one serving" in the meal tracker and let the app do the math, instead of calculating how much each individual ingredient is per serving.

    I.e., trying to figure out how many…

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  11. zoom in and out & view full screen of meal pictures when uploaded.

    When looking at the pictures of the meal, I want to be able to zoom in to look at certain details

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  12. Allow for decimal places to be used for macros in food items

    Currently the system will round up macros to the nearest whole number, which might not seem like a big deal but this ends up providing inaccurate daily macros. E.g. a food items protien macro distribution being shown as 4.6g as opposed to 5g

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  13. 3 votes

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  14. Make hover over preview for a meal larger

    Is there ANY way of making the client meal photos bigger / easier to see?
    The screenshot below shows how hovering over the photo enables the photo to 'expand' to a measly 1/10th of the entire size of my laptop screen.
    Most clients won't take high-res photos in great lighting - so if it's no possible to make the the photo easier to see (and this provide feedback) it seems to be a glaring error in the functionality!

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  15. Add Feature that you can see what foods contribute highs amounts to Macro Counts

    When tracking Macros in App- my clients have requested adding a feature where they can click to see what food contributed to those macros. Example:
    From and educational stand point of wanting to understand what foods are high fat contributors...

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  16. Add more food items to the meal tracker.

    I use My Fitness Pal which has MORE items loaded which makes it easier to log food quickly.

    Please leave a comment which country you are from. The meal tracker is currently focused on US, UK, Canada and Australian food items.


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  17. Just add macros into the meal tracker instead of needing to scan a barcode or create a food

    Rather than have to add everything in as a custom food each time it would be nice to just be able to quickly type in the macros for more advanced clients who know what they're doing

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  18. 3 votes

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  19. Free selection of hand portions!

    I have clients with big calorie intakes and I cannot set the hand portions within the app as I cannot find the numbers I need for them...

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  20. Automate so system adjusts macro goal depending on if client over or under ate

    When clients over eat or under eat, automate the whole process so the system changes the nutrition goal so the trainer is hands off and just needs to focus on motivation.

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